Being a California employer comes with legal risks. A lot of the risks can be mitigated by having an HR consultant to help you with the laws that go with being a California employer.
Here are the top 3 legal risks for California employers:
California employers that have hourly workers have higher risks they are dealing with than those on salary. The more hourly workers you have, the higher the risks. Some of the most common wage and hour risks for California employers are misreporting overtime hours, misclassification of exempt and nonexempt employees, and recordkeeping errors.
Harassment in the California workplace is a common and significant problem. California employees are protected by several sets of laws that don’t tolerate workplace harassment. So it’s important to have proactive response. By educating your workforce, frontline managers, and yourself, you can mitigate the risk of harasment and discrimination. It’s also important to know what your options and your obligations are as a California employer when a worker comes to you with an issue in the workplace.
Everyone gets sick so leaves of absence will happen in the workplace. In our post-Covid, not-so-post-Covid world, leaves of absence and disability accommodations for sick, injured, and disabled workers has a complex process that has to be followed and documented in a way that is compliant with California regulatory framework. It’s important to get ahead of any possible risks by having the right forms in place, the right legal advice, or the right HR support.